Our Resources
Vote No to Constitutional Change Pamphlet
A pamphlet for printing which highlights the concerns of Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Constitution.vote no pamphlet.pdf (817888)
Vote No to Constitutional Change Newsletter
Vote No To Constitutional Change Newsletter.pdf (898108)
Youtube's on Sovereignty and Recognition
Here a series of youtubes to help breakdown Sovereignty and Recognition for our grassroots mob.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3A:
Sovereignty & Recognition Part 3 Study Sheet
Sovereignty - Recognition prt 3.pdf (142069)
Study sheet for Education youtubes on Sovereignty and Recognition Part 3A and Part 3B https://sovereignty.webnode.com/products/youtubes-on-sovereignty-and-recognition/
Refute Native Title Declaration
(This is a resource for First Nations People to use. This might be useful to place at Native Title Meetings disputing process and lodging on record a complaint.)
Declaration Refuting Native Title
This is a Declaration Refuting the process of current ‘Native Title’ and the...